What is the impedance of a Bluetooth headset? - Best factory


In a circuit with resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the obstacle to alternating current is called impedance. The smaller the impedance, the easier it is for the headset to produce sound and drive. On desktop computers or power amplifiers, VCDs, DVD TVs and other machines with headphone jack output, it is generally appropriate to use medium and high impedance headphones. If you use low-impedance headset, you must first turn down the volume before plugging in the headset, and then increase the volume a little bit to prevent the headset from being overloaded and the headset are burned out or the voice coil is deformed and misplaced and the sound is broken. The best bluetooth headset factory believes that low-impedance headsets are generally easier to promote, so portable and power-saving devices such as walkmans and MP3s should choose low-impedance headsets. At the same time, the sensitivity should be high. The sensitivity index is more important for Walkman and MP3. Of course, headphones with a higher impedance will sound better when paired with a sound source with a higher output power.

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In a circuit with resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the obstacle to alternating current is called impedance. Impedance is often expressed as Z. The best bluetooth headset factory believes that impedance is composed of resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive reactance, but it is not a simple addition of the three.

The unit of impedance is ohms.

For a specific circuit, the impedance is not constant, but changes with frequency. In a series circuit of resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the impedance of the circuit is generally greater than the resistance. That is, the impedance is reduced to a minimum. In a parallel circuit of inductance and capacitance, the impedance increases to the maximum value at resonance, which is the opposite of a series circuit.

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